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Monday 28 November 2011

YFrog Deletes Photo Account Of UK Celebrity Twitterer @GraceDent

Twitter photo sharing service YFrog has deleted the account of Grace Dent, an influential UK Twitterer and writer with over 94,000 followers. There appears to be no explanation for the blunder at the moment but we’ve reached out to YFrog for comment.
Twitter recently become the number one photo sharing service on its platform, handling 36% of shares, and YFrog is down to 21% from 29.3% five months ago, indicating a slow death.
So it seems a massive blunder for YFrog to lose such an influential user. She has now switched to European startup MobyPicture.Things got worse for third-party photo apps when Twitter announced straight-forward clients would no longer be permitted in an effort to promote diversity on the platform. Instead Twitter has opened an API for its photo sharing service to encourage app developers to build on and host their photos with it rather than through third-party photo services.

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