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Monday 16 January 2012

Sixth Body Found On Italian Cruise Ship

A sixth body has been found on the stricken Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia, Italian authorities have announced.

The male passenger was found wearing a life jacket, but reports say he was in an area not submerged.
The latest discovery comes after coastguard divers discovered the bodies of two elderly male passengers in the submerged part of the vessel.
They were later identified as 86-year-old Italian national Giovanni Masia and 68-year old Spanish national Gual Guillermo.
The other three who died after the liner ran aground near the island of Giglio, off the Tuscan coast, have reportedly been identified as two French passengers and one Peruvian crewman.
One of the victims, a man aged in his 70s, is thought to have died of a heart attack caused by the shock of the icy water when he dived in during the chaos.
Rescue workers are continuing to search the enormous cruise ship in an attempt to find the 14 people still missing after the Costa Concordia sank with more than 4,200 passengers and crew on board.
Paolo Tronca, a local fire department official, said the search would go on "for 24 hours a day as long as we have to".
On Sunday, two 29-year-old South Korean honeymooners and a third survivor - believed to be crew member Marrico Giampetroni - were pulled from the semi-submerged vessel.

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