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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Google Consolidates Privacy Policy; Will Combine User Data Across Services

Google has more than 70 different privacy documents over its range of products, which overwhelming for any user to comb through (and that’s after Google pared down its policies in 2010). Today, the search giant is rolling out a new, comprehensive privacy policy which the company says will consolidate more than 60 of the separate privacy notices into one simple policy. The company says the changes will take effect on March 1, and will be starting to notify users today via email and a notice on its homepage.
The main change, say Google, is that if you are signed into your Google account, Google will combine user info across its products to better serve account holders. As Google says: In short, we’ll treat you as a single user across all our products, which will mean a simpler, more intuitive Google experience.
This is exemplified, says Google, in its more personalized search product that debuted recently, and received major criticism. You’ll see Google+ posts and data in your search results, and allows for the seamless transfer of data in between other services, including Docs, Calender, Gmail and more, says Google.
Google wants to make the entire web experience more personal, including advertising, location-based reminders, spelling suggestions of friends names and more. “People still have to do way too much heavy lifting, and we want to do a better job of helping them out,” according to the blog post.
The company also says it has rewritten its privacy policies so they’re easier to read and understand. And Google reiterates that it “remains committed to data liberation,” won’t sell personal information, or share it externally without permission and will continue to try to be transparent about the information collected from users.


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