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Sunday 15 January 2012

Clinton urges further Burma reforms

Hillary Clinton urged the Burmese government to release all remaining political prisoners

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the US will embrace Burma further if the once-estranged Asian government releases all remaining political prisoners, ends violence against minorities and cuts military ties with North Korea.
Mrs Clinton spoke by telephone with the foreign minister of the country, as well as with opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.
She told them Washington is "prepared to meet action with action", a day after the US and Burma agreed to exchange ambassadors and restore full diplomatic relations.
State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Mrs Clinton also commended Burma's government for its decision to release hundreds of political prisoners and agree to a cease-fire with the ethnic Karen minority.
But Ms Nuland said Mrs Clinton stressed further steps.
Ms Nuland said Mrs Suu Kyi voiced support for US diplomatic efforts.

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