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Wednesday 25 January 2012

Apple Talks Retail: 110 Million People Visited Apple Stores In Q1

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I’m not a huge fan of schlepping around needlessly when I can do most of my shopping from the comfort of my chair, but Apple fans don’t seem to have much trouble going to their local Apple store when the urge strikes. According to their recent earnings call, 110 million people went to an Apple store in Q1, which breaks down to roughly 22,000 customers per Apple store per week.
It looks as though those stores have been pretty busy to boot, as $6.1 billion of Apple’s insane quarterly revenue came courtesy of their retail stores. In case you were interested, that breaks down to just over $17 million coming each of the company’s 358 retail stores. Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer also noted that in-store iPhone sales have doubled, and sales of the iPad were up “significantly.”
Not too shabby, especially moves from players like Amazon have people foreseeing the demise of brick-and-mortar retail as we know it. Apple pegged the continued success of their retail operations on endeavors like in-store pickup and their relatively new EasyPay system, which allows customers to effectively ring themselves out for products without having to flag down employees.
Of course, Apple didn’t hit their record-breaking sales figures by selling at Apple stores alone — CEO Tim Cook notes that Apple has around “130,000 points of sale in the world” for the iPhone and that they’re continually adding new points of distribution. Think big box electronics retailers, carrier stores, and the like. With the company’s popularity in China, CEO Tim Cook also had little to mention on expansion on that front, but noted that Apple would continue to “look at how to grow” that particular market.

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