Sony serves up US Vita manual two months early, theoretical gamers rejoice
Jealous that Japan has first dibs on Sony's next generation portable? Or maybe you imported aPlayStation Vita, and need a little help navigating the Kanji-laden menus? Either way, Sony has a bone to throw you -- an online Vita user's guide, and in English, to boot. In addition to basic console operations, the online manual details the handheld's major features and apps, including Party, Near, the PS Store, a Photos app, the web browser, remote play and the Vita's video and music apps. The guide also mentions a few limitations, for instance, PSN video downloads will be standard definition only -- if you want to watch something in 720p, you'll need to load it yourself using the Vita's Content Manager. It also confirms the handheld's single account lock-down, noting that even your console's memory card is tied to your PSN account -- it simply won't work on your friend's Vita. Curious about battery life, 3G data usage trackers and remote play restrictions? Hit the source and dive in, you've got two months to study up.
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